About the Book
You are sitting in a director’s chair. Or you are in the middle of a scene. Or you are editing footage. But how did you get there? Especially if you have no connections? How do up and coming people of color find opportunities in entertainment?
These questions are answered in Greenlight. Mallika wrote this book because she wanted to join the entertainment industry, but she didn't know where she fit in or how to find opportunities. To gather advice, she talked with 13 up-and-coming creatives of color who are finding opportunities in the industry.
She hopes this book will serve as a point of reference to all her peers who want to be in entertainment but don’t know how by pressing into questions like:
How can you use your self-belief to overcome challenges and follow an unconventional path?
How can you tap into your creativity to tell meaningful stories?
How has the recent shift towards diversity of all sorts in Hollywood reflected in the careers of creatives of color?
How can we uplift and energize creatives of color in an industry where connections pave the way?
Check out this conversation about Greenlight and entering the entertainment industry.

Pick up a copy here!